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Difference between traditional programming and machine learning
In traditional programming, a crucial variable is needed for predictions. For instance, whether a stock will outperform or not, and to find this, one needs to go to an expert. In traditional programming, you get the data of all the stocks and have a rule or criteria that need simple code or a simple excel macro or simple excel filter. Then, the outcome of this code is used to understand whether to buy the stock or not. It is a traditional way of filtering stocks that goes by ‘robotic process automation (RPA).’Prediction of volatility in the market with machine learning (ML)
Are you wondering if ML can predict a volatile period in the future? The answer is yes. With collected data, the machine learning algorithms can automatically learn the rules and then predict the market’s volatility. The machine learning tools can easily identify safe or volatile regions. These algorithms are used to improve performance, make profits, and help to improve the portfolio.
Market :
According to MarketsandMarkets, by 2026, the artificial intelligence (AI) market size will grow to USD 200 billion worldwide.

- Uncertainty
- Effect of world economic policies
- Different forms of currencies and policies
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